Welcome back from the break! I hope you had a very blessed Christmas and a wonderful New Year! In class, we will be working on our New Year's Resolutions, so start thinking about some goals you would like to work toward in 2012!
This Friday is whole school mass & early dismissal--make sure to make arrangements to pick your child up on time at 12:00PM!
In Science, we are continuing our journey through weather & climate and discovering how certain parts of our environment affect our climate. Please explore the following websites to learn more:
- http://climate.nasa.gov/kids/bigQuestions/greenhouseEffect/
- http://www.clean-air-kids.org.uk/globalwarming.html
- http://www.brainpop.com/science/populationsresourcesandenvironment/greenhouseeffect/preview.weml
- http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/kids/games/interactiveadventures/john-smith/\
- http://www.socialstudiesforkids.com/graphics/13mapnew.htm
- http://www.congressforkids.net/games/thirteencolonies/2_thirteencolonies.htm
- http://www.math.com/school/subject1/lessons/S1U1L6GL.html#sm1
- http://www.coolmath.com/prealgebra/02-decimals/10-decimals-dividing-by-decimal-01.htm
Let's have a great 2012 :-)