Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Here is your opportunity for some extra credit!

Similar to the partner work you did today in class. You are going to research an instrument ON YOUR OWN and create a presentation using Prezi or Google Drive Presentations at home. Please ensure to have the following information on each slide:

1) Name of Instrument, Your Name, Date, Picture of Instrument
2) History of Instrument (When & Where it was invented, who invented it)
3) Materials it can be made of/Description of the Instrument
4) Family of Instruments it belongs to
5) Famous Musicians who have played it
6) What sound does it make/ How is it played
7) Pictures and Media (Video)
8) Sources Used


Last Week of School

Hello students and parents!

Please do not forget to bring in the $5 for pizza and sign up for one additional item (side dish, plasticware, beverages, etc.). Your son or daughter has probably already signed up for something - check in with them or email me at: ajordan@straphaella.org to verify. Our class Christmas party will be on Friday @ 11am. Students may bring in non-perishable additional items before then to store in the classroom if they would like. For break, students have a ready long to complete each week, in addition to 7 days of their choice wherein they are asked to play mathletics & ticket-to-read for 30 minutes each. Please ensure that your child is completing the necessary logs daily.

Music Assignment

In preparation for our class field trip with the 3rd and 4th grades to the Walt Disney Concert Hall, we are beginning to learn about the different instruments and their families. You will be completing presentations in pairs wherein you are assigned an instrument and must then research the instrument to present to the class. You may present using a poster, Prezi, or Google Drive Presentations (your gmail accounts). The following websites will have plenty of information that will help you on your research assignment:

Americans for the Arts
American Music Conference
The American Music Education Initiative
Arts Education Partnership
Awesome Library
British Journal of Music Education
CABC (Center for Arts in the Basic Curriculum)
CARTS: Cultural Arts Resources for Teachers and Students
Children's Music Workshop
Music Resources
Education World

More websites can be found on the "Web Sites" Handout given to you in class! Make sure you look at all of the websites!

The following piece of music is what we will be studying & hearing at the Walt Disney Concert Hall: